Lost in Amsterdam

Today is our last day of travel in the great land of Europa. Looking back on our trip, we have met some amazing people and seen some amazing things and places. We only wish we could be lost in Amsterdam so we didn’t have to come home. Amsterdam is great city and is very well represented by this photo showing a coffeeshop with red lighting with an alien smoking a joint. Coffeeshops, not to be confused with cafés, have been a part of Amsterdam since the 1970s, when the Dutch government made a clear distinction in the law between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ drugs. Under the drug policy of the Netherlands, the sale of cannabis products in small quantities is allowed by ‘licensed’ coffee shops. Each year approximately 1.5 million tourists visit Amsterdam to consume the drug. So long Amsterdam, we will see you again.

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Lost-on-Earth Lost-in-Amsterdam

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