Autumn Is Here

This image was inspired by the beautiful motion and vibrant colors of the falling leaves in autumn. The equipment used to create this image was the Fujifilm X-T1 camera body with the XF16mm f/1.4 lens attached, a tripod, an iPhone attached to the flash hot shoe and the Triggertrap Mobile Dongle & Connection Cable Kit….

Avalanche Creek In Glacier National Park

With all of the wildfires here at Glacier National Park the skies have been extremely hazy. We thought the day was going to be a complete bust but before exiting the park we made one last stop at Avalanche Creek and hiked to the falls where we were pleasantly rewarded with this incredible view. If…

Glacier National Park

Spent our first day in Glacier National Park driving the Going to the Sun Road up to Logan Pass. Although the sky was still very hazy, the hiking was good and the views were incredibly beautiful and different than the last time we visited the park. On our way out of the park at dusk…

Tethered Shooting With The Fuji X-T1

Last week Fujifilm quietly released the plugin allowing Fuji X-T1 users to shoot tethered to Adobe Lightroom. I have been patiently waiting for this feature since I switched to Fuji from Canon. So was the wait worth it? For me the answer is yes. When I’m in the studio shooting products or portraits viewing the image on…


When it’s near 100 degrees outside and your house doesn’t have air-conditioning the last thing you want to do is sit around in a “warm” room feeling like your life is being sucked out of you minute by minute. Hanging out in the cool car with music playing and the beautiful Oregon Coast scenery in…

Exploring The City Of Seoul

The Streets Of Seoul – Part 2 My day exploring the streets of Seoul continued. After leaving the Noryangjin Fisheries Wholesale Market I grabbed a quick bite to eat from one of the many street vendors and headed to Gwangjang Market. Once again a small misunderstanding between the ticket I purchased from the machine and the gate letting…

Noryangjin Fisheries Wholesale Market

The Streets Of Seoul – Part 1 I truly enjoy traveling and exploring new places but getting to your final destinations can sometimes be a challenge. Flight delays, bad seats, and layovers can make for some really long days. Recently I was returning to Portland from a trip to Vietnam and had a 14-hour layover…

Gyeongbokgung Palace Guard

Royal Guards at Gyeongbokgung Palace

I only had a short visit to Seoul, South Korea but after 24+ hours of being stuck aboard airplanes and in airports the time there was very welcome. Walking around the city was simply amazing. There are so many things to see but with only 8 hours I focused on the Gwanghwamun Square area of the city. One of…

Lingering Fog

Traveling on highway 30 back in to Portland the fog lingering over Sauvie Island was just incredible. I love the mystery fog brings to the landscape revealing just enough to draw in your imagination but leaving you with the question, what’s up ahead? Shot with the Fujifilm X-Pro1 & 35mm lens and edited with Perfect Photo…

Photographs Not Taken

I recently finished reading the book Photographs Not Taken, the book is full of short stories about why photographers didn’t capture the moment and in some cases how it hunts them. It made me think about some of the photographs that I haven’t taken and the reasons why. June 2013 I was in Rome for a…

Endless Rolls

While traveling down a country road recently I came across a seemingly endless run of huge rolls of hay strewn throughout one fenced acreage after another. I pulled to the side of the road to scope out the best vantage points for shooting but everywhere I looked I found I would have to cross a…

Dilapidated Barn

Like every other landscape photographer I know I find it difficult to pass up photographing those stark, old, dilapidated buildings you can see on just about every rural back road in the U.S. I found this one on a recent trip to Steamboat Springs, Colorado. At least twice a day for nearly a week I would drive…

Traveling Lite

As I had previously written in my post Inside My Camera Bag I’m in the process of changing my gear when I travel to a lighter and smaller setup. A couple of weeks ago I headed out to Steamboat Springs, Colorado for a short vacation. This was another chance to test my “traveling lite” strategy and refine it for my next trip. I…

Dreamy Aspen Grove

For me one of the more challenging things to photograph has always been a group of trees in the forest. When I’m standing there visualizing my shot the scale and beauty of my surrounding seems almost impossible to capture with a camera. My senses are overwhelmed. The phrase “Can’t see the forest from the trees”…

South Waterfront

The Fujifilm XF10-24mm f/4

With the arrival of my new Fujifilm XF10-24mm f/4 R OIS lens I was very exited to get out and shoot some landscape photos. I attached the new addition to my Fuji X-Pro1 and got ready to hit the road. Over the last year I’ve been in the process of downsizing my travel gear and the plan…